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Live Your Beauty

The idea of Bluliving is you're young, radiant, beautiful, and living your best free life now.  As a woman, you are taking stock of what you value, what inspires you, and making steps towards your dream today.  As you progress, you are creating a balance between work and home, and thinking of how to make more time for you.

Post: Welcome

Summer Swing Part I

How ready are you for the summer now that August is here?!!! I don't know about you, but I am so ready for the salt air, sandy toes, summer sea breeze, weekend getaways, and endless beautiful days by the water. I can't wait to sink my teeth into juicy sweet watermelon and have lunch by the sea or ocean.

What have you been waiting for? If you haven't gone shopping yet for some summer swimsuits/bikinis or sparkly sandals, it's time girl. Get that little hot number - you deserve it!!! Old Navy also has numerous cute jumpers, and in all kinds of designs and colors too. Some of their prices could be better, but nevertheless, you can still find something beautiful for that party, bbq or special event. Now I know, losing a few pounds might be on your mind . . . But you're beautiful, and now is the time to move more, take that Pilates, Yoga or Zumba class. If you're struggling with weight loss, you are not alone . . . I tell ya. I'm always looking to lose that last 5 or 10 pounds. One of the things I realized is having more protein in your diet, and including it in your pasta or carbs, that you enjoy. The other thing is eating smaller portions. Check out and watch out for my "Life In Thai" series, as I am going to write more on this.

Now that we are in the midst of summer, have you made some time for yourself even if you're super busy? I spend most of the year working like an animal . . . and when July comes, I'm out! My mind is at the beach, in the mountains or just far away from normal life. Have you ever felt as though, there's gotta be more to life than this? I mean, it's time to check in with yourself, notice how you feel, are you okay where you're at? Yeah, the kids are good, and your husband/partner's working just like you. But how are you doing in all this crazy, busy hectic life? When the money has been made, the many purchases (furniture, Amazon clothes/necessities, that new bbq, etc.) ordered, and the drinks drunk, are you happy?

Sometimes what we think we are working for just isn't enough . . . all to just be perfect. We let our jobs define us, or making money establish whether life is good enough, or maybe it's all the extras you've got your kid in (dance, summer camp, sports). Instead of Keeping Up With the Jones there's more meaning in life. Reading more, exercising more, eating less, finding meaning in small moments with friends and family, and creating some time to follow your passion or interest, can be life-changing and mean a more fulfilling life for you!

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